

I'm so glad you are here! I have been exactly where you are right now--standing on the edge of change and looking ahead to where you want to be.
It probably feels a little scary, and you might doubt if you can live a sober curious life. Well, you can, and I will help you. 


A little secret about me: I thrive in difficult situations. I like to attribute this to my years as a distance swimmer. I mean, who in their right mind wants to swim the mile in competition? Not to relive my glory days, but I think all the miles in the pool shaped my brain's ability to take on significant challenges. 


From running marathons and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to initiating difficult conversations, doing the "hard thing" is something I am good at. 

Although it took me a while to fully understand that alcohol no longer aligned with what I wanted for myself, my marriage, or my family, it wasn't that hard once I got there. To be honest, I would pick that type of hard a million times over the daily shame, numbness, and regret I felt while drinking. And here's the thing: I didn't get a DWI, didn't hit rock bottom, and didn't have to go to rehab or call myself an alcoholic. I choose a sober curious life so I can truly live a life I love. 

Living sober curious opens a whole new way of experiencing your life. It makes room for all emotions, positive and negative, without the need to numb or buffer when times feel hard.

I am here for you. Take the leap. Uncover what is under the chardonnay and live a life you love!



You will never regret NOT drinking.




The other side of discomfort is growth.